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게시물에서 찾기2009/03/25

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  1. 2009/03/25
    공짜 영어책(9)

공짜 영어책

  • 등록일
    2009/03/25 13:15
  • 수정일
    2009/03/25 13:15
인디미디어의 아가사가 가지고 있던  책들을 내놓았다.
아래 목록의 책에 관심있는 분들은 가져도 되요. 모두 영어지만...
Vanora Benoit - Portrait of an Unknown Woman /historical novel set in England at the time of
Henry VIII ~ 1500s/
Geoffrey Chaucer / Nevil Coghill - Canterbury Tales - modern verse version of CT
Christopher Columbus - The 4 Voyages /log-books, reports of his discovery of the New World/
Bruce Cumings - North Korea, Another Country /modern history and politics/
Theodore Dreiser - An American Tragedy, Sister Carrie /novels about the US, late 19th century, early 20th century/
English Mystery Plays - late middle ages plays about episodes from the Bible- Noah's flood, the life of Jesus, etc
Euripides - 4 volumes of plays; 3 plays appear twice, because one book is Penguin, the other 3 are Oxford
Alcestis, Andromache, Bacchae, Children of Heracles, Cyclops (2), Hecuba, Heracles (2), Ion, Iphigenia among the Taurians (2), Iphigenia at Aulis, Rhesus, Trojan Women
Malcolm Gladwell - The Tipping Point /explanation of how (sudden) changes occur, when, why/
H. Rider Haggard - Allan Quatermain /adventure novel, exploration in Africa/
Chalmers Johnson - The Sorrows of Empire /current US foreign policy, militarism/
Rudyard Kipling - Just So Stories /stories for young people, mainly about animals, somewhat like The Jungle Books/
Nikolai Leskov - The Enchanted Wanderer /novel and some short stories/
Jack London - The Sea Wolf /adventure novel, about life at sea/
Christopher Marlowe - plays - Doctor Faustus, Edward II, The Jew of Malta, Tamburlaine parts 1 & 2
Oh and Hassig - North Korea Through the Looking Glass /modern history and politics/
Stendhal - The Red and the Black /novel set in France in the early 19th century/
Also Korean language books that maybe we could donate to the Migrant Workers' center.
I don't think a used book store would take these, but we could ask.

Seoul National University, Korean 1-2-3-4, and sets of 2 cassette tapes for each volume
Sookmyung University, 3 textbooks, intermediate level
Speaking Korean (phrase book)
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