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남아시아의 홍수: 내가 여름을 시원하게 보내는 사이 남아시아에서 2800만명이나 홍수를 겪었다니...

올여름에 게릴라비, 열대성비가 온다고 하지만, 이 땅에서 내가 올여름을 시원하게 보내고 있는 사이에, 남 아시아에서는 2800만명이나 되는 사람들이 홍수를 겪고 있다니.. 400명이 홍수로 죽었다니..
오늘 낮에 쏟아지는 폭우를 창밖으로 여유있게 바라보면서 나는 얼마나 즐거워했던가? 며칠전부터 남아시아의 홍수에 관한 보도를 들은 적이 있었지만, 결국 나의 일이 아니었던 것이었다.
나의 의지와 상관없이 내비춰졌던 나의 이기심을 어떻게 해야하나?. 또는 분명 나의 인식의 한계를 탓해야한다. 
Sickness spreads in S Asia floods
Relief being airdropped to flood affected people in Bihar, India
Air-drops of food and medicine try to ease suffering in Bihar
Thousands of people are falling sick as flood waters recede across South Asia, with health workers struggling to cope with inadequate medical stocks.

Ponds of stagnant water are creating breeding grounds for disease.

Thousands have been treated for diarrhoea in India's Uttar Pradesh and Bihar states and a doctor in Bangladesh called his medical centre a "war-zone".

About 28m people have been affected by the floods in India, Bangladesh and Nepal. More than 400 people have died.

Thousands of villages are still under water and although many countries have pledged aid, many areas are desperate for food and clean drinking water.



The Indian government has been given an initial cost estimate of the floods of $320m but the figure is expected to rise.

Leave cancelled

The rains have halted in most parts of South Asia but with the water receding after two weeks of floods, health workers are now faced with increasing cases of water-borne diseases.

At Bangladesh's biggest diarrhoea hospital in the capital, Dhaka, doctors said they were working round the clock to cope with the rush of flood victims.

Paramedics visiting affected villages don't have adequate supplies of medicines
Ramadan Ray,
doctor in Uttar Pradesh

"It's like a war-zone situation. Some patients are very ill but the treatment is extremely effective," Dr Alejandro Cravioto told the AFP news agency.

In Uttar Pradesh, LB Prasad, a senior health official told Associated Press that doctors had treated more than 1,500 people for diarrhoea in 22 flood-affected districts in the past 10 days.

However, a private group of doctors in the state says that around 20,000 people there are suffering from water-borne diseases.

"Paramedics visiting affected villages don't have adequate supplies of medicines," Dr Ramadan Ray said.

More than 2,000 villages in the state remain flooded, and an equal number of medical camps have been set up to cope with any outbreak of disease.

Monsoon graphic
Monsoon winds blow north-easterly for one half of the year, and from the south-west for the other half
South-westerly winds bring the heavy rains from June to Sept
Winds arrive in southern India six weeks before the north west
Annual rainfall varies considerably

In neighbouring Bihar, the government has cancelled leave for doctors in 19 floor-affected districts, state minister Chandramohan Rai told AP.

Unicef has begun inoculation programmes in the state, particularly against measles.

The Indian government has announced initial emergency aid of $37m for flood victims in Bihar.

Heavy rains have also lashed the western state of Gujarat this week, killing at least 15 people and displacing more than 22,000.

Separately, at least 10 people were killed as a huge storm hit Pakistani's largest city, Karachi, on Friday.

They were killed in house collapses and by electrocution.

The UN has blamed the flooding on climate change and says such disasters are becoming increasingly common.

India is the worst-affected country, with some 20 million people in the states of Assam, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh hit by the floods, according to the UN.

Some eight million people are affected in Bangladesh.

About 127,000 people have been displaced in Nepal, with at least 26,500 houses damaged or destroyed, the Nepal Red Cross Society says.








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