최근 글 목록
- 예수의 발견
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- 2009
- 두 세계 사이에서
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- 2009
- 가능성의 세계를 넘어 믿음...
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- 2009
- 믿음과 기도에 대한 이해
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- 2009
- 홀로 설수 없는 인생
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- 2009
(I Pet. 1:22-2:3)
* To obey the word of God is to give benefit to the
own soul.
1. The word of God is making people born again and
fresh the status of soul like cleansing sins,
healing the sick, making our soul healthy.
2. Those who yearn to the word of God shows to
love the Lord and brothers.
3. The effect force of the word improves to the
several aspects of our life like thinking,
speaking, doing something.
* Christians life has spiritual up an d down during
our lifelong term.
1. There are blocking components to cause spiritual
slump like evil thoughts, hypocritical attitude,
and hating mind, etc
2. Spiritual growth is made by regular taking
the word of God.
3. The benefits of the growth are strengthening of
life, eliminating sins, filling the needs of people,
making spiritual health, taking the promises of
the blessing of God, etc.
최근 댓글 목록