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- 02/14
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- 바스크 나들이_마지막
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- 2024
- 바스크 나들이_05
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- 2024
- 바스크 나들이_04
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- 2024
올해는 음력 생일과 양력생일이 일치하는 기이한 해...
음력 생일은 윤달을 살짝 비켜난 6월 1일이고, 물론 그믐이다. 달이 모습을 감추는 (?)....
놀라운 것은 이 날, 달만 모습을 감추지 않는다는 것이다.
근자에 보기 드문 비교적 장시간의 개기일식이 이 날 오전에 발생할 예정이다.
생일날, 해도 달도 가려지는 이 어둠의 포스는 무엇이란 말인가?
공포영화라도 하나 찍어야 하나?
Carl Sagan 할배가 천문학보다 점성술이 인기있는 상황을 두고 얼마나 개탄했었는데,
이 기묘한 상황앞에서 나도 점성술 사이트를 한번 쓱 둘러보게 되었다는... ㅜ.ㅜ
근신하는 생일 모드로....
1. Eclipses are dramatic "wild cards" in our horoscopes. They shake us up so that we can move from one level of evolution and maturity to another, higher phase, fairly rapidly.
2. Eclipses bring news of life's big events.... No matter what occurs, it will become evident that the universe is intent on moving you forward.
3. Events that follow an eclipse have more weight than events brought on by a normal new or full moon. In fact, an eclipse is like a turbo-new or full moon?qit packs much more energy and punch. An eclipse may even bring on an event that seems "fated". Eclipses always bring unexpected changes of direction if you have a planet that will be touched. The eclipse does not have to fall in your sign to affect you
4. If an eclipse falls on your birthday, the year that follows certainly will be quite eventful. You may experience a big change in lifestyle or in one specific part of your chart.
5. Guard your health if you are having an eclipse on your birthday, near your birthday, or on your rising sign degrees because you will be a bit more run down than usual.
6. Take any message you hear at the time of an eclipse seriously. There usually is no way to get a situation reversed. If someone brings news you don?t like on an eclipse realize that there is little chance you can get it reversed, at least not for four months, if ever. See the news as essentially a non-negotiable decision and try to move on.
7. Eclipses shine the bright light of truth to the part of your life that is touched by the eclipse. Most of the time, eclipses act as brilliant illuminators, revealing a condition that you were unaware existed. They can also act as catalysts to a major life decision. Also under an eclipse, you may finally understand the true character of a person near you.
8. Even if an eclipse won't affect you (and I will tell you in your forecast), you will nevertheless notice that there is plenty of action around you, not only in your own circle but also in the world at large. The news media will be filled with information.
9. With all eclipses, something ends and something else begins. During an eclipse period, you may feel like you are walking across a bridge to a brand new place, with no turning back from where you started. The door behind you latches, and locks. You can?t go back because after the eclipse you will know more and understand things that were never clear to you before. In that sense, you really can?t go home again.
10. Try not to issue ultimatums or make big actions under an eclipse. Bide your time and act in a few weeks when there will be less static in the air. It?s best to respond to others? messages but try not to initiate your own. Said another way, it is better to listen than to act.
18. Solar eclipses work somewhat differently than lunar eclipses, and emphasize beginnings. (Something may also be ending but the attention is more on the start than the finish.) The changes could phase in over a period of months. Still, the news or timing of those changes often comes as a surprise. If a solar eclipse falls on or within a few days of your birthday you will certainly feel the effects of it over the course of the year. Changes will be complete by the time you reach your next birthday.
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관리 메뉴
개기 일식하면 생각나는 영화는 공포영화가 아니고 젊은 시절 미셸 파이퍼가 등장했던 '레이디 호크(1985)'가 떠오르는디요? ㅋㅋ부가 정보
관리 메뉴
거기 미셸파이퍼 나왔어요? 나는 블레이드 러너에 출연했던 룻거하우어 생각만 나는디 ㅎㅎ 근데 좀 으시시하지않아요? 제 인생에 뭔 일이 생길것만 같아요 ㅡ.ㅡ부가 정보
관리 메뉴
역시 같은 영화를 봐도 상대방 성역할을 하는 배우를 기억하게 되는구만요. ㅋㅋ 혹시 학진 프로젝트에 당첨되서 2년간 빡세게 고생하게 된다는 암시가 아닐래나요? ^^;;;부가 정보