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  1. 2008/04/03
    The promise of the Holy Spirit’s coming and the prayer of early church members
  2. 2008/03/03
    If you pray in faith, you will be answered

The promise of the Holy Spirit’s coming and the prayer of early church members

The promise of the Holy Spirit’s coming and the prayer of early church members
Acts 1:4-14

The promise of the Holy Spirit’ coming 4-8
The risen Lord gave a last charge to those who followed Him.
They should not leave Jerusalem and wait for the present that God promised.

And they would receive baptism by the Holy Spirit.
And then they would be witnesses of the risen Jesus Christ.
1. What should I do to receive the Holy Spirit?
In order to become the witness of Jesus Christ, what should I do?

The Ascension of the Risen Jesus Christ 9-11
To look forward to ascending Jesus reminds Christians the goal of the Christian faith.
Our goal is to get to Jesus. He is our goal and destination to get to.
From the beginning of Christian faith, Christians should try to copy the life style of the Lord.
He is the Lord who come back to us. What is your goal and life purpose?
What relationship is between ascension of the Lord and own holy goal?

United prayer at upper room 12-14
Among early church members at the upper room there were new converts
like brethren of Jesus.
Early church was prayer community that believes the promise of God pouring the Holy Spirit
and devoted them to the earnest prayer.
They are community to desire for Holy Spirit’s coming.
They are the practicing prayers that realize the promise of God.
5. Like early church members how do you desire for the blessing of the Holy Spirit?
How do you strive for Spirit empowered status?
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

If you pray in faith, you will be answered

(Mark 11:20-26)
*Making fruit is for believers to the important issue.
True believers can make fruit in the presence of God.
Through the happening of the fig tree,
the lesson was that Jesus judges the fruitless one .
His work comes to the proclamation of His words and its following accomplishment.
So, the words of Jesus appear the following miraculous sign by their power.
Before God, how can believers do fruit?
Obedience, devotion, eagerness, faith, trustworthiness, and etc.

*What is it means faith for believers?
Faith has the power to get own desires.
Faith can give believers to get own desires.
The practice of faith can be accomplished by the example of prayer.
The Lord gave the lesson to move unmovable mountain by the power of faith.
The object of own faith is the very important to effectiveness of own faith.
What about own faith?

*What does it mean for believers to pray?
It means to confirm own faith, to produce the personal relationship with God,
to make do God’s works.
What about own prayer? For what do you pray?
And what about your own prayer life?

*In order to answer your prayer, you have in faith.
Faith can make prayer to respond to God.
The answer of prayer needs to cooperate in the works of faith and forgiveness.
What do I need to get for effective prayer?
Patience, forgiveness, faith, to be fitted to the will of the Lord

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크