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게시물에서 찾기palm sunday

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  1. 2008/03/16
    Jesus,Our King!

Jesus,Our King!

Luke 19:28-44

* The Meaning of Palm Sunday/
Jesus went to Jerusalem to be a part in the feast of Passover in final week.
There would happen very important things in the public ministry of the Lord.
He was raised among the people as King and Messiah before His death on the cross

1. What about your experience in accepting Him as the Lord of life?
He wants to be the Lord of my life and rule my life.
All the parts in my life, what is His position in my life?
Guest, even an invited guest, spectator or the Lord of my life.

* To be His tool means to be a humble servant and respect Him.
Jesus’ using the colt give us an important lesson.
We need to serve Him with a humble and a pure heart.

2. What about my attitude to serve Him?

*Triumphal entry/ People raise Him joyfully and respectfully as the King of peace.
To raise Him means the joy and ministry of people of the Lord.
People are those who serve Him asking, or someone reject Him so they must be destroyed.
Jerusalem that rejects Him should demolish in final.

3. Lord Jesus comes to us the King of our life. In our life, how about raising Him?
What is the difference between to serve Him or reject Him?
Joy and anguish, heaven and hell, victory and defeat, courage and despair.

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