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Brazil - Toward a more inclusive and effective participatory budget in Porto Alegre

세계은행에서 발간한 포르투 알레그리의 참여예산제에 관한 보고서
Brazil - Toward a more inclusive and effective participatory budget in Porto Alegre (Vol. 1 of 2) : Main report
This report is about effective participatory budgeting in Porto Alegre. The process was initiated during the early years of re-democratization and decentralization in Brazil, following the end of the military dictatorship in 1985. The 1988 constitution initiated a process of decentralization and tax reforms that created the fiscal space for municipalities to make more significant public investment decisions. A plethora of participatory governance institutions have since proliferated in Brazil, most importantly, municipal policy councils and participatory budgeting bodies. The Participatory Budget (OP) was formally introduced in Porto Alegre under the leadership of the Workers' Party in coalition with pro-democracy social movements. Although initially fraught with difficulties due to fiscal constraints, the OP in Porto Alegre became gradually more systematic over time. Today, the OP has a complex methodology for organizing participation in a city of over 1.4 million inhabitants, as well as for prioritizing public investments based on three main criteria: unmet basic needs, population, and citizen preferences. However, the OP constitutes one element in a broader complex system of participatory governance in Porto Alegre. Findings on the poverty and fiscal impacts of OP in Brazil suggest that OP is a participatory mechanism that has significant potential for pro-poor distributive impacts that lead to poverty reduction outcomes in the long run. Its ability to have a positive impact on fiscal performance is less evident
Document Date: 2008/01/29
Document Type: City Development Strategy (CDS)
Report Number: 40144
Volume No: 1 of 2 (See all volumes)
Country: Brazil ; 
Doc Name: Main report
Keywords: accountability mechanisms, accountability relationships, accountability systems, accounting, Annual Budget, basic needs, basic services, beneficiaries, budget analysis, budget calendar, budget cycle, budget envelope, Budget Execution, budget expenditures, budget formulation, Budget Law, budget literacy, budget oversight, budget plan, Budget Planning, budget preparation, budget process, budget review, budget surplus, Budget Transparency, budgetary decision, budgetary decision making, budgetary decisions, budgetary process, budgeting process, capacity-building, capital expenditure, capital investment, Capital Investments, citizen advisory, citizen input, citizen participation, citizens, civic engagement, civil society, civil society monitoring, civil society organizations, coalitions, constituencies, constituency, constitution, constitutions, corruption, Cost-Benefit Analysis, credibility, data analysis, Debt, decentralization, decision makers, decision-making, decision-making power, democracy, democratic politics, democratization, dictatorship, Economic Policy, educational attainment, efficiency gains, Efficient Allocation, elected officials, enabling environment, Environmental Development, Expenditure, expenditure allocations, expenditure cycle, expenditure management, expenditure management cycle, expenditure planning, expenditure tracking, expenditures, external audits, Federal Budget, Figures, financial analysis, financial cost
Language: English
Major Sector: Public Administration, Law, and Justice ; Finance ; Information and communications
Rel. Proj ID: BR-Porto Alegre Participatory Budgeting -- P095802 ; 
Region: Latin America & Caribbean ; 
Rep Title: Brazil - Toward a more inclusive and effective participatory budget in Porto Alegre
Sector: Sub-national government administration ; General finance sector ; General public administration sector ; Information technology
Topics: Public Sector Development ; Governance ; Social Development ; Finance and Financial Sector Development
SubTopics: Governance Indicators ; Financial Literacy ; Public Sector Expenditure Analysis & Management ; National Governance ; Social Accountability
Unit Owning: Social Development (LCSSO)

Complete Report

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Brazil - Toward a more inclusive and effective participatory budget in Porto Alegre (Vol. 2 of 2) : Annexes

Complete Report

Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)
Click here to see PDF filePDF 106 pages Official Version [1.26 mb]
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