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제주도 한라산과 용암굴..
아래 그림은 bbc news에 실린 한라산과 용암굴..
Wonders bid for heritage status
A biodiversity-rich rainforest in Madagascar and Tenerife's volcanic landscape are among the sites favoured by the World Conservation Union (IUCN). A total of 37 natural and cultural sites will be considered by the UN World Heritage Committee. The committee will make its final decision at its annual meeting, which begins on 23 June in New Zealand. The prestigious list, co-ordinated by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), was set up to ensure the long-term protection of globally important cultural and natural sites. The five locations selected for consideration by the IUCN, an official advisory body to Unesco, are:
The IUCN will also propose that the committee considers taking action to improve the level of protection for existing World Heritage sites that have been identified as being at risk. These include the Galapagos Islands, where the number of tourists have increased to more than 120,000 per year - a three-fold increase over the past 16 years. The islands were made a World Heritage Site 30 years ago for their unique plant and animal life. The diversity of species found on the Pacific archipelago inspired naturalist Charles Darwin and helped him develop his theory of evolution. Down not out Charles Darwin's home and workplace in southern England, Down House, has been formally removed from this year's nomination list by the UK government.
Culture Minister David Lammy made the decision after receiving advice from the International Council on Monuments and Sites (Icomos). The assessment raised questions about the "outstanding universal value" of the bid. However, the government said it felt the council failed to recognise the site's significance to the heritage of science and confirmed that a renewed submission would be presented in 2009. |
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