Free Documentaries

from 영화+독립영화 2010/09/27 10:30
진보블로그 공감 버튼




이미 많은 사람들이 알고 있을 것이고, 진보넷에 관련 포스트도 있을 법 한데 미리 찾아볼 새가 없었음.

마이클 무어의 '식코'를 비롯해서 유명한 다큐멘터리들(여러 영화제에서 상영했고 극장에서 개봉도 했던 작품들)을 온라인으로 보거나 다운로드 받을 수 있는 사이트. 6월에 페이스북에 매일 접속할 때 한00이란 분이 알려주신 곳. 한동안 잊고 지내다 오늘 문득 생각났는데 다시 잊어버릴까봐 자료실에 남겨둠.


홈페이지 :



Who are you guys?
We are just a few people that want to make a difference and thought putting all these films in one place would make a cool website and a good resource.

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Do you plan on expanding?
We will be adding films periodically with the help of our hosting partners. In the future we may look at ways to individually license films. No matter what, we will always offer our films for free. 

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Are you a non profit company?
Right now, we aren't a non profit company. This means that your donations are not tax deductible. We are in the process of filing as a non profit. We definitely aren't doing this for the money! 

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Why isn't the video streaming smoothly?
This could be either a problem with your connection or our hosting partner. Even high speed modem speed does fluctuate so we encourage you to try again later or use a different connection. If the problem persists then please email us and we will see if we can find a better stream of the film. Or you can simply pause the film and let it load before restarting. 

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Why do documentary film makers allow their films to be streamed for free on the internet?
Many documentary film makers realize that having their films streamed on the internet for free will not only educate people on their perspective but will also encourage people to purchase the DVD. 


카테고리 중에서 일부 (클릭하면 작품 리스트로 이동)


- 액티비스트 관련

- 인권 관련 

- 환경 관련

- 전쟁 관련

GLOBALIZATION(지구화? 세계화?) 관련

- 여성 관련 (현재 세 작품 밖에 없는데 아마 다른 카테고리에서 관련 주제를 좀 더 찾을 수 있을 듯.)


2010/09/27 10:30 2010/09/27 10:30