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대대적인 독가스전은 1차 대전에서 독일제국군대가 자행한 짓
전면적인 독가스전은 1915년 4월 22일 프리츠 하버가 개발한 방법에 따른 플랑드르 이퍼른에서의 독가스 살포가 있기 전에 이미 1915년 1월 말 폴란드의 볼리모브 인근 동부전선에서 러시아군을 상대로 적용.
당시 동부전선에서 독가스공격을 실시한 독일제국 9군의 기록
“우리 [독일제국] 군의 기사도적인 정신(Sinn)에 이 같은 전쟁수단의 사용은 얼핏 그다지 공감이 안 간다는 것은 부인할 수 없다. 그러나 이런 전쟁방법은 실질적으로 지금까지 각국의 군이 훈련한 전쟁(Praxis/실천)의 논리적인 진척일 뿐이다. ... [게다가] 우리의 적이 인종적인 자부심(Rassenstolz)을 다 포기하고 잡다한 민족들을 동원하여 우리를 대항하는 전장에 내보내는 상황을 감안하면 이 같은 수단의 사용은 완전 정당화 된다. 우리는 이렇게 우리의 전쟁목적을 달성하고 보배로운(teuer/값비싼) 피의 소모를 줄일 수 있다.”
"Es ist nicht zu leugnen, daß dem ritterlichen Sinn unseres Heeres die Anwendung dieses Kampfmittels zunächst nicht sehr sympathisch ist. Tatsächlich stellt aber dies Verfahren die logische Fortentwicklung der bisher in allen Armeen geübten Praxis dar ... Angesichts des Umstandes, daß unsere Gegner unter Verzicht auf jeden Rassenstolz ein buntes Völkergemisch gegen uns ins Feld führen, ist die Anwendung dieses Mittels voll gerechtfertigt. Wir erreichen auf diese Weise unseren kriegerischen Zweck und sparen an kostbarem Blute." (Gerhard Kaiser, Wie die Kultur einbrach, Giftgas und Wissenschaftsethos im ersten Weltkrieg/문명의 붕괴과정, 독가스와 1차 대전의 과학윤리, 8쪽, http://www.freidok.uni-freiburg.de/volltexte/506/pdf/gaskrieg.pdf, 2013.8.27)
2021/05/15 |
2021/03/10 |
2021/03/09 |
2021/03/08 |
2021/02/06 |
1. 로렌스의 아랍
게릴라전을 위한 로렌스의 지도
2. 사이크스-피코의 아랍
지배를 위한 영.불의 지도
모래를 그저 모래라고만 생각하고 그은 일직선.
2021/05/15 |
2021/03/10 |
2021/03/09 |
2021/03/08 |
2021/02/06 |
1. 어떤 연관이 있나?
이집트의 살육과 시리아의 반인륜적 독가스공격이 거의 동시에 자행됐다.
2. 누가의 짓?
‘누가의 짓인가’는 지저분한 말속에 갇혀있다.
3. 지저분하게 만들기, 지저분하게 말하기
3.1 이집트
수정혁명이란다. 무바라크 독재를 몰아낸 민주세력이 무스시를 반동으로 규정하고 다시 몰아냈단다. 근데, 무슨 일이지? 무바라크는 석방, 무스시는 구금.
반동에 대한 반동은 혁명이 아니라 파시스트 정권장악? 과거 독일 나치가 등장했던 배경처럼?
3.2 시리아
유엔 조사단이 왜 ‘누구’의 질문은 다루지 않지? 이 질문은 왜 추측과 어둠속에서 활동하는 정보기관에 맡기지?
- 이집트, 시리아, 그리고 예멘의 수정혁명 혹은 수정운동
2021/05/15 |
2021/03/10 |
2021/03/09 |
2021/03/08 |
2021/02/06 |
댓글 목록
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유럽 2011 = 유럽 1931(http://blog.zeit.de/herdentrieb/2011/11/11/europa-2011-europa-1931_3813)
아랍 2013은 유럽 1913 ?
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시리아에서의 독가스사용을 해독해야 하는 수수께끼(enigma)로 읽을 수 있을까? 독가스 사용은 1차 대전이 국지/진지전으로 접어들었을때 자행된 일. 여기에 기대어 시리아 정부군과 반군 간의 전쟁이 국지전으로 접어들었다고 할 수 있을까? 만약 그렇다면, 국지전 국면을 타개하기 위한 시리아 정부군+지지국가와 시리안 반군+지지국가의 군사적인 전략적 사고는 무었일까?부가 정보
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훌라 대학살 관련 서구의 허위보도관련(http://cafe420.daum.net/_c21_/bbs_search_read?grpid=11bCq&fldid=KxPs&contentval=000Cezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz&nenc=&fenc=&q=&nil_profile=cafetop&nil_menu=sch_updw)
모스크바 국립대학 교수 겸 기자 마라트 무신(Marat Musin)의 시리아 전쟁 분석, 천연가스를 둘러싼 카타르의 이해관계가 놓은 덧 (http://lupocattivoblog.com/2013/05/21/der-gaskrieg-die-gas-falle-als-das-praludium-zum-dritten-weltkrieg/)
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블로거 식물님이 번역한 글"Humanitarian War Criminals" in High Office: Was the Houla Massacre Ordered by the Western Military Alliance?
by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, June 11, 2012
"And thus I clothe my naked villany, ... And seem a saint, when most I play the devil." (William Shakespeare, King Richard III )
It has now been established that the Houla massacre, which has resulted in more than one hundred deaths of men, women and children, was not undertaken by the pro-government militia Shabbiha as claimed in chorus and without evidence by the Western media.
Several authoritative reports, including a recent report of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, confirm unequivocally that "opposition" FSA terrorists were behind these atrocities. (Neue Erkenntnisse zu Getöteten von Hula: Abermals Massaker in Syrien - Politik - FAZ, June 8, 2012)
"Those killed were almost exclusively from families belonging to Houla’s Alawi and Shia minorities. Over 90% of Houla’s population are Sunnis. Several dozen members of a family were slaughtered, which had converted from Sunni to Shia Islam. Members of the Shomaliya, an Alawi family, were also killed, as was the family of a Sunni member of the Syrian parliament who is regarded as a collaborator. Immediately following the massacre, the perpetrators are supposed to have filmed their victims and then presented them as Sunni victims in videos posted on the internet." (FAZ, op cit. Translated from German).
The FAZ report largely corroborates the report by Russian journalist Marat Musin, which includes detailed testimonies:
"When the rebels seized the lower checkpoint in the center of town and located next to the local police department, they began to sweep all the families loyal to the authorities in neighboring houses, including the elderly, women and children.
Several families of the Al-Sayed were killed, including 20 young children and the family of Abdul Razak. The people were killed with knives and shot at point blank range.
Then they presented the murdered [corpses] to the UN and the international community as victims of bombings by the Syrian army, something that was not verified by any marks on their bodies." (Marat Musin, THE HOULA MASSACRE: Opposition Terrorists "Killed Families Loyal to the Government", Global Research, June 1 , 2012)
These two reports dispel the lies and fabrications of the Western media. Entire pro-government families in Houla were massacred. The terrorists were mercenaries and professional killers operating under the auspices of the self-proclaimed Free Syrian Army (FSA).
An earlier report published in Der Spiegel (March 2012) suggests that the FSA is involved in a routine and organized process of mass-murder. The article focusses on extra-judicial killings in Homs conducted under the mandate of so-called "burial brigades".
A single "burial brigade" in Homs, according to the executioner's testimony, was responsible for the arbitrary execution of 350-400 people including "prisoners" (Shiite and Alawi) and "traitors" (Sunni). The "traitors" are Sunni civilians within the occupied urban and rural areas, who express their opposition to the rule of terror of the Free Syrian Army (FSA):
"Since last summer, we have executed slightly fewer than 150 men, which represents about 20 percent of our prisoners," says Abu Rami. ... But the executioners of Homs have been busier with traitors within their own ranks than with prisoners of war. "If we catch a Sunni spying, or if a citizen betrays the revolution, we make it quick," says the fighter. According to Abu Rami, Hussein's burial brigade has put between 200 and 250 traitors to death since the beginning of the uprising." (Profile of Rebels in Homs and Their Executioners - SPIEGEL ONLINE, March 29, 2012)
The important questions which the Spiegel report does not address are: Who is behind these rebel groups? Who, within the FSA, decides on the categorization of prisoners and "traitors". Bear in mind, the executioner is a young man obeying orders from higher up.
The Houla Massacre: War Propaganda
It is important to underscore the diabolical nature of these killing operations, which are casually blamed on the Al Assad government. They constitute a central component of US-NATO war propaganda. They are intended to trigger "a helpful wave of indignation" against the Al Assad government, thereby harnessing public support for a military intervention on humanitarian grounds. (See Michel Chossudovsky, SYRIA: Killing Innocent Civilians as part of a US Covert Op. Mobilizing Public Support for a R2P War against Syria, Global Research, May 30, 2012)
Without the unbending support of public opinion, the justification to wage war would collapse like a deck of cards.
The Houla massacre was used not only as a pretext to call for regime change, but also as a justification to isolate Syria politically. Immediately following the announcement of the massacre and prior to the conduct on an investigation, several Western governments cut off diplomatic relations with Syria. This decision --coordinated by the US State Department-- was apparently planned well in advance of the Houla massacre: "The United States joined several other nations in expelling a senior Syrian diplomat in response to the massacre of more than 100 men, women and children in the Syrian village of Haoula on May 25.... State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said May 29 that the responsibility for the massacre rests “firmly at the feet of the Assad regime” and its militia group, the Shabiha."
At the United Nations Security Council, the Houla massacre became a casus belli, the main justification to wage war on humanitarian grounds. The Security Council was called upon to grant the green light to an R2P NATO intervention against Syria in reprisal for the alleged crimes committed by the government of Bashar Al Assad against the Syrian people.
But what happens now?
Atrocities were committed by units of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), an armed entity directly supported by the US-NATO-Israel military alliance. The Syrian government cannot be held responsible for killings undertaken by rebel forces which were recruited, trained and financed by the US and its allies.
Who is behind these rebel groups? What is the precise nature of the relationship between the FSA and the Western military alliance?
What is the command structure?
What is the nature of this diabolical covert operation?
Who ordered these atrocities against the Syrian people?
Were these issues to be fully revealed to the broader public, the lies and fabrications of the Western media would be exposed. In turn, the pretext to wage an R2P war on Syria would fall flat.
One suspects, in this regard, that a renewed wave of media lies and fabrications will be launched to quell the truth.
But the question remains.
If the Al Assad government is not behind the massacre, what actions should be taken against those who ordered this massacre? Western governments (US, France, Britain), with the support of Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are the prime suspects.
Mercenaries and death squads including al Qaeda affiliated militia were dispatched to Syria as part of a covert intelligence operation. Special forces from several Western countries are acting as military advisers on the ground inside Syria.
What we are dealing with is a criminal undertaking in blatant violation of international law. Those who ordered the killings are the self proclaimed members of the international community.
What stance should be taken by the United Nations against the governments of member states which are complicit in these horrendous crimes against humanity. Perhaps this is a hypothetical question because three of these complicit member states are permanent members of the UN Security Council.
There can, however, be no double standards in international law with regard to crimes against humanity.
The same criteria used, without proof, against president Bashar al Assad, should be applied to those who ordered this diabolical covert operation.
What was the role of the "US regime" and its allies (including its various military and intelligence entities) in channelling covert as well as overt support to the FSA death squads?
Should "regime change" be contemplated in countries whose elected governments are directly or indirectly complicit in the conduct of crimes against humanity? The answer to this question will not come from the UN Security Council, it will emerge from country-level grass-roots actions, in Europe and North America, directed against a criminal and corrupt political system.
There are indications as well as documentary evidence that, from the outset of the insurgency in the border city of Daraa in mid-March 2011, terrorists supported by foreign powers have been involved in the killings of innocent civilians. Israeli intelligence sources (August 2011) confirm an organized process of recruitment of terrorist fighters by NATO:
NATO headquarters in Brussels and the Turkish high command are meanwhile drawing up plans for their first military step in Syria, which is to arm the rebels with weapons for combating the tanks and helicopters ...
Also discussed in Brussels and Ankara, our sources report, is a campaign to enlist thousands of Muslim volunteers in Middle East countries and the Muslim world to fight alongside the Syrian rebels. The Turkish army would house these volunteers, train them and secure their passage into Syria. (DEBKAfile, NATO to give rebels anti-tank weapons, August 14, 2011, emphasis added)
The selected articles below provide details on the Houla massacre as well as an analysis of the covert operations and media disinformation campaigns.
The Truth is ultimately a powerful instrument.
Confronting the lies and dismantling the process of media disinformation is an essential component of the anti-war movement.
Michel Chossudovsky, June 10, 2012
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1988.3.16 쿠르드인 거주지역 할라브자의 독가스공격관련NYT "A War Crime or An Act of War?"
글쓴이 Stephen Pelletiere
주지하다시피, 미국은 당시 이란을 침공한 이라크 후세인을 지지하였다. 끝가지 후세인이 한 일이 아니라고 하다가 나중에는 양쪽이 한 일이라고 흐지부지.
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탈 아브야드 학살http://www.activistpost.com/2013/08/new-death-squad-massacre-reported-in.html
In what has become commonplace, yet another report has now surfaced regarding a massacre of innocent civilians by al-Qaeda death squads in Syria. According to reports from Al-Alam News, an Iranian news agency, approximately 330 men and women have been murdered along with 120 children in Tal Abyad, a district of northern Syria. The majority of the victims appear to have been Kurdish.
The perpetrators of the attack were allegedly members of the Jabhat al-Nusra Front, a terrorist organization which has been active inside Syria for some time and one which has clear ties to both the CIA and Turkish intelligence. [1]
이 기사를 보면 알카에다가 쿠르드족을 살해하는 이유를 이해하기 어렵습니다. 쿠르드족이 반군에 가담하지 않는다는 것 정도가 이유라고 할 수 있습니다. 그러나 그 이유는 자원확보인 것 같습니다.
Since then, Farouq has been massing men here in an example of the growing friction that’s emerged in recent months as Nusra has captured strategic infrastructure across Syria’s north and east, including oil and gas installations, grain silos and a hydroelectric dam.
Raqqa province, where Tal Abyad is, and Hasaka province, to the east, are poverty-stricken but vital to Syria’s agriculture. Hasaka and Deir el Zour province to the south are the center of the country’s oil industry.
사진에 나오는 녹색선은 아랍 가스 파이프라인입니다. 시리아와 터키는 2008년에 파이프라인을 터키의 국경도시 킬리스까지 연장하기로 양해각서를 체결했습니다. 그런데 2009년 초에 뒤집어졌습니다. 하지만 이 전쟁은 이미 20년 전에 미국이 계획한 것 같습니다.
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시리아 동북부 지역의 유전을 놓고서 이슬람주의 warlord들 간, 그리고 쿠르드인들 간 전투가 있지 않을까 합니다.부가 정보
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가디언지는 유엔난민기구를 인용해서 시리아의 쿠르드족이 이라크로 대도망중이라고 보도했습니다. 그러나 이 기사는 신뢰하기 힘들어요.http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/18/syrian-kurds-refugees-iraq
"There is no way to confirm exact numbers because of the scale of the influx but UNHCR teams at Sahela report that it looks like a river of people moving across the border," she said.
러시아 투데이 기사입니다.
Rumors abound of a plan for genocide of the Kurds at the hands of Islamic extremists seeking control of the area, as the minority appeals for help from the international community. However, it is a tricky situation, as the northern-Syrian Kurds are sealed off from the rest of Syria by Al-Qaeda-dominated areas to the south, and Turkey – the biggest opponent of Kurdish independence – to the east.
Further complicating an objective approach to the Kurdish question is the fact that Turkey is an important NATO member, and secondly, that terrorist gangs may well be cooperating with fighters of the Free Syrian Army – a force backed by Western and regional powers in their attempt to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has spoken on the matter, urging quick action on the part of the UN to condemn the alleged atrocities and bring extremism in Syria under control before hundreds more Kurds are killed.
A Kurdish source at the PYD told RT that, despite Turkish denial of any support to Al-Nusra Front and other militants, it has been carrying out logistics operations across several of its border crossings with northern Syria.
다음은 뉴욕타임스 기사입니다.
Recent visits to Kurdish areas in northern Syria revealed that the P.Y.D. is the strongest Kurdish force on the ground and that it has formed a patchwork of local alliances to defend its areas, teaming up with Arab tribes in some places while reaching accommodations with the government in others.
“The P.Y.D. is a pragmatic party that has its own project to administer Syria’s Kurd-populated areas, establishing political, social, cultural and security institutions,” said Maria Fantappie, a researcher with the International Crisis Group who has studied Syria’s Kurds. “This is their project, and we can expect them to make all the alliances they need as a temporary compromise.”
(국제위기그룹을 믿어선 안되지만 어쨌든)
The recent spike in violence has pitted P.Y.D. militias against rebels and fighters from two extremist groups with links to Al Qaeda: Al Nusra Front and the Islamist State in Iraq and Syria.
In mid-July, clashes broke out between the two sides in Ras al-Ain in Hasaka Province, and Kurdish fighters quickly seized control of the ethnically mixed town with help from the local Arab tribes that distrust the extremist groups.
“We are Sunni Muslims, but this is not Afghanistan,” said an Arab resident, Hajj Omar, 50. “I am a Sunni Muslim, I pray five times a day, my sons pray, my wife is covered and we observe all the Islamic rituals, but we cannot live under these radical Islamic groups.”
Since then, clashes have spread throughout the ethnically mixed region along the border, with each side erecting checkpoints to control roads and kidnapping civilians to put pressure on its foes.
After Kurdish fighters failed to seize the mixed town of Tal Abyad farther west along the border, extremist fighters blew up a Kurdish administrative building and the homes of Kurds believed to be supporting the fighters, activists said.
“They don’t want to finish the Assad regime like we do,” said a rebel fighter who goes by Abu Abdul-Rahman, 30. “They want to establish their own independent state.”
The largest Kurdish stronghold is the eastern city of Qamishli, near the border with Iraq, an ethnically mixed city with a large Kurdish population.
The government withdrew its forces from the city center last year, leaving only a contingent at the airport and allowing the P.Y.D. to take over.
At a checkpoint near the city’s southern edge, Mr. Mahmud, the P.Y.D. fighter, denied that his group received support from the Syrian government, recalling its decades of neglect of Kurds.
“A new government will be established to fill the gap until the end of the Syrian crisis,” he said, near a poster of the jailed P.K.K. leader Abdullah Ocalan. He said that no matter who ended up governing Syria after the war, the Kurds would protect their gains.
“Surely, the clock will not be turned back,” he said.
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결론적으로 시리아의 쿠르드족이 원하는 것은 독립이 아니라 이라크 스타일의 자치정부입니다. 그리고 자치정부를 유지하기 위해서 자원의 확보는 필수적입니다. 그렇기 때문에 아마 죽을 겁니다.부가 정보
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할라브자 독가스 공격이 이란의 소행이라는 서구/미국의 주장 관련sipri Jean Pascal Zander의 브리핑 (http://cns.miis.edu/archive/cns/programs/dc/briefs/030701.htm)
Halabja: An Iranian CW Attack?
The allegation of Iranian CW use in Halabja was first made by U.S. State Department spokesman Charles Redman on March 23, 1988. There is also a Congressional record from September 30, 1988 in which Senator McCain made the same allegation, although many of the details were wrong.
The source of these statements is the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, Special Security Office. On March 23, 1988 they stated:
"Most of the casualties in Halabja were reportedly caused by cyangen chlorine. This agent has never been used by Iraq, but Iran has shown interest in it. Mustard gas casualties in the town were probably caused by Iraqi weapons because Iran has never been noted using that agent."
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2004년 미국은 이라크 팔루자에서 저항세력을 소탕한다는 명분으로 유령의 분노 작전 개시하여 민간인들에게 백린탄 사용.이스라엘이 가자에서 사용한 백린탄(경고 스크롤 내릴 때 조심)
2012년 리비아 바니 왈리드에서도 백린탄과 신경가스 사용(경고 스크롤 내릴 때 약간 조심)
November 23, 2011
Although you’re unlikely to have read about it in the press, the ongoing health crisis in Fallujah shows that the legacy of the U.S. war in Iraq is far from over.
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여긴 아침이네요. 저녁 시간에 볼 까 합니다. (보겠다는 말이 아님)독가스 개발과 살충제 개발이 동시에 진행. 유태계 독일 화학자 프리츠 하버의 지휘아래. 화학무기 관련 그의 발언은 파시스트 못지 않음. 그가 개발한 살충제가 나중에 유태인 독살가스 사이클론 B가 됨. 베트남전에서의 미 화학물질 사용은? "인간 살충"을 이야기하는 파시스트들.
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