[mp3] 분노의 씨앗

희망을 노래하라 2005/12/06 04:22
몇 달전부터 만들기 시작한 곡 '분노의 씨앗'이에요.
맘에 들지 않는 부분이 있어서 노래를 부를 때마다 다듬고, 고치고 가사도 바꾸고 그러다가 이젠 그냥 이대로 가기로 했어요.
12.11 평택 평화대행진에서 다들 만나요!
♪ 조약골 '분노의 씨앗' ♪
http://dopehead.net/files/seed-of-anger-02.mp3 에서 파일 내려받기가 가능합니다.
분노의 씨앗
글, 곡 조약골
황새울 푸르른 땅을
미군에게 내줄 수 없네
힘으로 뺏으려는 자
그힘에 무너지리라
오는 미군 막아내고
있는 미군 몰아내자
기지를 열어 제끼자
무기를 녹여 없애자
이땅은 우리 목숨 끝까지 지켜내자
죽을 수는 있어도 떠날 수는 없다
제국이 뿌려놓은 절망의 씨앗들이
10만개의 싹이 되어 평택에서 자라나
산이 되고 들이 되고 강이 되고 바람 되어
저 장벽을 걷어내고 거침 없이 흘러가네
분노의 씨앗을 심어
평화의 결실을 맺을
푸르른 땅이야말로
우리가 일궈낼 세상
차별의 피를 뽑고
억압의 김을 매자
무기를 녹여 쟁기를
이윤이 아닌 생명을
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기
2005/12/06 04:22 2005/12/06 04:22
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  1. no chr.! 2005/12/06 04:32 Modify/Delete Reply

    thanx for your info (actually this i was reading also on jinbonet.) but someone wrote me around midnight (KST) that they might be arrested soon... i need more infos! as soon as possible! PLEASE....
    you read, what i wrote some days ago on imc korea? i mean not the article...

  2. no chr.! 2005/12/06 04:34 Modify/Delete Reply

    i like this song!!!

  3. no chr.! 2005/12/06 04:54 Modify/Delete Reply

    wow, and right now i found out that on MTU site there is NO information about NHRC... PLEASE try to check out, what's going on there!!!

  4. dope 2005/12/06 12:03 Modify/Delete Reply

    i just updated recent information and stuff on your blog. check it out.
    like i said, i will keep you updated with more news.
    plus, thanx for your liking my new song.

  5. CINA 2005/12/06 19:39 Modify/Delete Reply

    ...THANX back!!

  6. CINA 2005/12/07 01:01 Modify/Delete Reply

    ok, the stuff (news and appeal) is now in all east asia, australia, NZ... and LabourStart made it as their "top story".. and i make now a break, after about 18 hours...

    hey dongji, about today (光化門).. is there someone who makes pics? if, where i can see??

  7. no chr.! 2005/12/07 04:14 Modify/Delete Reply

    you can tell me, what's that:
    HID 청년동지회, 비전향장기수 묘역 파헤쳐

  8. dope 2005/12/07 16:29 Modify/Delete Reply

    HID is a right-wing extremest group of ex-soldiers who were trained to infiltrate into North Korea to complete 'special missions.'
    And as you know, we have 'Jangkisu' long-time prisoners who were imprisoned for such a long time, like 30-40 years and yet refused to convert their communist beliefs and to become law-abiding South Korean citizens.
    The Jangkisu Harabojis are now so old and many of them died already.
    There is a buddhist temple cemetary near the DMZ area where those old Jangkisus are buried.
    the HID extremests went to the cemetary and took out the coffins and dead bodies and they did all the horrible things to the tombs because they believe communists should NOT have the right to die and bury in South Korea.

  9. CINA 2005/12/07 20:55 Modify/Delete Reply

    thanx! something new from the MTU front?

  10. dope 2005/12/07 22:23 Modify/Delete Reply

    actually i visited the site with Manic today.
    migrants workers and korean comrades were busy getting the word out and preparing for propaganda materials.
    their daily routine is set; morning campaign from 8 am to 10 am, neigbirhood campagin near the city hall from noon to 2 pm, silent protest in fron of the Commissioner's office from 8 am to 10 am, and noon to 2 pm, participation in solidarity demonstration from 2pm to 5pm, struggle sharing meeting from 8pm to 9pm...
    lots of korean danches(groups) and activists join the daily struggle sharing meeting.
    the next big thing is December 18 the international migrant workers day rally.
    it's gonna be huge this year!

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