글로버, 그리고 포터와 레비의 탭쇼

  • 등록일
    2006/04/25 22:22
  • 수정일
    2011/10/12 20:36
  • 분류

출처 : http://www.tapkun.com


다음은 Savion Glover 가 Bring in da Noise, Bring in da Funk 공연 중 Rhythm Tap 과 옛 선배 탭댄서 Green, Chaney, Buster, Slide를 소개하는 대목.

Hollywood, they didn't want us or something.
They wanted to be (like) entertained,
see - that's the difference.
Chuck and Slide was more like education.
They was education people, not entertain.

Hoofin' in Rhythm Tap is (like) music. (You know what i'm sain')
If you can do eight bar phrase with your feet,
another person, not a dancer, can understand (like) what you just did,
you hit, you expressed yourself.
You made a statement.


I did Black and Blue in Paris, over there with (like) Slyde, Chuck, Ralph Brown.
I was (like) 12, maybe 13, or something.
Anyway, my style was changing.
I just started doing all their steps and changing my style.

I had (like) lost all the (like) big wings and all that.
I just started (like) hitting ,reaching for rhythms.
Reaching for (like) different tones, different tones in my taps.

Macking Music.

I was (like) finding out, (You know what I am sain')
This is this (You know what I am sain') this is that, All Music.
I would say (like) around 2,3 years ago is when I first started really hitting.

I never, I never did go back to (like) flap-flap-shuffle-step.
There was nothing there for me since i was (like) 13.
That's not even tap dancing.
It's (like) now that I know what Hoofing is.
I don't see how people would wanna see that old school or (like) old style of tap dancing
when they know there's some hitting going on over here.

Bring the Noise with it.....Hit it. Hit it. Hit it.




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뒤에 두 사람 공중제비 도는 거 정말... 고탄력 흑인이 좋아;ㅁ;


오늘 동영상을 보면서 알게 된 건데 내가 처음 탭댄스를 알게 된

<코스비 가족>은 탭댄스의 모든 걸 담고 있었다


아빠랑 아들의 탭댄스 선생이랑 대결하는 장면이었는데 둘이 어색하게 앉아 있다가

실수로 작은 소리가 나서 조금씩 소리를 내다가 미친듯이 탭댄스 배틀 돌입


그러면서 의자에다가 발을 마구 긁기도 하는 둥 마구 새로운 소리를 만들어낸다.

정말 재미있었다. 코스비 가족은 그거만 생각난다. 우리 언니도 기억함


오늘 여러가지 탭댄스 동영상을 봤는데 위의 거가 제일 좋았다.

스티비 원더랑 누가 공연한 것도 좋았다, 리드믹 탭이라고 완전 마구 미친듯이

콩볶듯이 딱딱대는데 처음에는 너무 오두방정이라서 싫다가 나중에는 역시 가슴이 두근두근하였다

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